Monday, February 7, 2011

Mommy Guts - Letty Hill

Throughout my years of mothering, all 9.5 of them, I've realized the importance of trusting my "gut instinct". Since the dawn of creation, mothers have insured the survival of their young by this God-given nagging feeling we often get while making a decision. Being the indecisive person I am, whenever the children ask me something, it usually takes me a few moments to answer. I have this inner conflict of my gut instinct, and what might not sound so mean. Some situations can be decided just by pure common sense ("Mommy, can I play with this lighter?"), while others are more tricky. Is your gut instinct protecting your child, your time, or your carpet?

For example, just the other day my husband made me some purple grape juice since I was coming down with a cold. I learned early on in my mothering career that delicious, 100%Concord grape juice is not exactly kid friendly. Not only does it stain clothing, but it can also change the smell and color of a dirty diaper. Since those early mommy days, I've only occasionally enjoyed my ultimate comfort drink. The juice was way up in the refrigerator, away from little hands.

Until my oldest spied it, and asked if she could have some. I immediately said "No" and referred her to the orange juice. She kept asking. I stopped and thought a minute, weighing the pros and cons of allowing her some of my most favorite purple sweet nectar. My gut instinct screamed "NO!", but her pleading and puppy dog face convinced me it would be most generous of me to share. I relented and poured her a very small cup, and went back to my business.

An hour later, I am starting dinner, and talking on the phone. I hear a scuffle and a shout. I get off the phone, to see that the cup of juice is now splattered all over the dining room, and unfortunately, the living room carpet and love-seat. The cup had been placed on the edge of the dining room table, which is only a foot or so from the living room light-colored carpet. While fighting over crayons or something equally important, the grape juice became a causality. I was upset, of course, not only was my precious juice wasted, but there was purple everywhere! Why hadn't I trusted my gut?!

Yes, I know, it could have been something much worse, nobody got hurt. It was just material possessions. And luckily, hydrogen peroxide with some elbow grease took every last dot of it out of everything it touched. It was in actuality a learning experience for all involved. For me: Follow my loudest internal voice! For my daughter: don't set drinks on the edge of the table, cleaning up spills is time-consuming, and don't ask Mom to share her favorite drink!

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